Born in Turin TO on 02/02/1960, resident in Padova (Padua)
1984 Course in Russian Iconography at the Centro Ecumenico Russo, Padua, Italy
1983 Diploma in Sculture, Accademia di Belle Arti, Venice, Italy
1979 2 year course in Graphic Arts, Scuola Internazionale di Grafica, Venice, Italy
1979 Summer course (experimental graphics techniques), Scuola Internazionale di Grafica, VE, Italy
1978 Diploma di Maturità Artistica (Secondary Education Diploma), Liceo Artistico Statale di Padua, IT
2019 International Contemporary Art, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milano (MI) Italia
2018 “IL LIBRO ILLEGGIBILE” (THE UNREADABLE BOOK) Homage to Bruno Munari: Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Villa Farsetti, Santa Maria di Sala – VE, Italy
2018 “MELEKLER” Personal Show. Villa Farsetti, Santa Maria di Sala - VE Italy
2017 “IN NOME DELL'UOMO” (IN NAME OF MAN) Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Villa Guidini, Zero Branco, Treviso, Italy
2017 “LOVE &VIOLENCE” Exhibition (collective) of Contemporary Art, curated by Barbara Codogno and Silvia Prelz, Galleria Civica Cavour – Padua, Italy
2016 “AR(T)CEVIA INTERNATIONAL ART FESTIVAL” 10th edition of the International Art Festival, curated by Laura Coppa, Arcevia, Ancona (AN) Italy
2014 “ARTISTI AL MURO” (ARTISTS AT THE WALL) 3rd edition of an Exhibition “en plein air” curated by Maria Stefanelli, Padua, Italy
2013 “PROGETTO ARCA” (PROJECT ARK) Exhibition of Contemporary Art, curated by Maria Luisa Trevisan, at PARDES, Laboratorio di Ricerca d’Arte Contemporanea, Mirano (VE), Italy
2013 “AR(T)CEVIA INTERNATIONAL ART FESTIVAL” 7th edition of the International Art Festival, curated by Laura Coppa, Arcevia, Ancona (AN) Italy
2013 “EMERGENZA ARTE” (ART EMERGENCY) 2nd edition of the Contemporary Art Festival at Villa Farsetti, S.Maria di Sala, VE, Italy, curated by XX.9.12 FABRIKArte
2013 “GARDEN-ART- Artisti per gli alberi” (Artists for trees), 1st edition, Exhibition “en plein air”, curated by l’Associazione Erba Matta, in Parco Europa, Padua, Italy
2013 “OPERA XVI” Personal Show of paintings, curated by Siro Luginbuhl, at the 03 Art Gallery of the Amsterdam Caffè, Padua, Italy
2012 SCENOGRAFIA (SCENOGRAPHY) for a fashion show by the Turkish stylist, Yildirim Mayruk, Istanbul, Turkey
2011/2012 2 years organising a laboratory, RICICLO in ARTE (RECYCLING in ART) for Ecolojik Enerji in Istanbul designed for children from State Schools.
2011 Organizer of a laboratory, RICICLO in BIGIOTTERIA (RECYCLING in COSTUME JEWELLERY) for the Caritas Organisation in Istanbul, course designed for refugee women of various nationalities
2011 / 2012 Art teacher in the Liceo Italiano (Secondary School) of Istanbul, Turkey
2011 Performance “ICONA d 'ARTISTA”, 34 Kemanci, Istanbul, Turkey
2011 “150mo X 150” “150th X 150” Opera d'Arte (Art Works) collective, project curated by Fabrikarte. Travelling exhibition moving throughout Italy
2011 GARDEN-ART, Exhibition of Contemporary Art “en plein air” in the gardens of the Castello di Este, (Castle of Este), Este, Padua, Italy
2011 ART EXPO at the IAC International Art Center Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey
2010 XX.9.12 ARCHIVIO VINILE c/o "Il Molo" of Ferrara, Italia
2010 Fiera dell' Arte di Padova, Padua Art Fair, Padua, Italy
2010 DONNE nell'ARTE – Exhibition of Photography and Contemporary Art curated by photographer Franco Storti, Galleria Cavour, Padua, Italy
2010 DELARSIRLO' (De l'Art sur l'eau) - Exhibition of Contemporary Art “en plein air” - Padua, Italy
2010 GARDEN ART - in the gardens of the Castello di Este, (Castle of Este), Este, Padua, Italy
2010 INDIVIDUARTI – contemporary Art exhibition curated by Ass. Capovilla, in the Cattedrale dell'ex Macello di Padova, Padua, Italy
2009 CONTEMPORARY EROTIC ART exhibition, III Gallery Jarsbo, Aalborg, Denmark
2009 Disomogenea collettiva d'Arte Contemporanea, (Heterogeneous collective of Contemporary Art) in the ex-Pescherie di Este, PD, Italy
2009 PROPILEO ART GALLERY, 1st Contemporary Art Exhibition at the Portello International Film Festival, June 2009, Porta Portello, Padua, Italy.
2009 ASTRARTI Contemporary Art collective, Cattedrale dell'ex-Macello, Padua and ex-Casinò of the Lido di Venezia (Venice Lido), Italy
2009 OPEN HOUSE GARDEN Contemporary Art collective, Galzignano Terme, Padua, Italy
2009 ARTE MI SIA GENTIL ESCHI stage set design, mannequin, photograph for a theatre show by the Laboratorio Artaud di Padova, in the public hall, Unione Europea, Ponte S. Niccolò, Padua, and also at the Centro Culturale Altinate di Padua, Italy
2008 RINTRACCIARTI Contemporary Art Collective, Palazzo della Ragione, Mantova, Italy
2008 DIVERSAMENTE Contemporary Art Collective, and with works from attendees at the day hospital in the Mental Health Centre, Fornace Carotta, Padua, Italy